Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sperm Does Not Come Out If Man Has Very Little Sperm Come Out And It Is Very Fluid Does That Mean He Had Very Recently Pleased Himself?

If man has very little sperm come out and it is very fluid does that mean he had very recently pleased himself? - sperm does not come out

especially if the seed was sometimes the tick and white. Is it fair to assume that it is very fluid and not sexually active so long?



  1. My friend is thick and white, unless he had an orgasm in a day or two. But if we already have masturbated or had sex recently, then it becomes increasingly clear.

    While the sperm oh yes, more frequent orgasms = thinner and less.

  2. If you usually still a little soft after sexual activity, but not necessarily of the same sex does not mean that he cheated, if you think what you do.

  3. Not necessarily. Why think? It could be stress, anxiety, depression, are simply tired or worn bearings - any number of things.

  4. No, perhaps only recently masturbated.

  5. could have masturbated or not provided, or the last sperm, which has not attracted much, and was in front ***
